Foreign Exchange (FX) ATM Managed Solutions
Our smart FX Teller machines can dispense multiple currencies at chosen exchange rates, reducing the need for a person to operate those services.
Contactless Payment Systems

Contactless payment systems do not require any physical contact between a buyer’s smartphone, smart device or credit card and the POS. The technology used makes transactions faster, easier and much more secure than tradition mag stripe technology.
GPC can provide the hardware and technology to support contactless payment systems and enable your business to provide quick and secure transactions.

Central Bank Digital Currencies
More and more countries have begun to implement their version of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and they progress on their journey towards a cashless or semi-cashless society. GPC’s digital payments ecosystem is ideally positioned to provide much of the retail infrastructure to allow these initiatives to be accessed by the population and be a success for the country. The GPC Payments Ecosystem provides a web of integrated access points and avenues through which the user can seamlessly transact.
The GPC Payments Ecosystem offers multiple cash-in or entry points (including remittances and microfinancing), a dynamic and fully customizable mobile wallet, next-gen Android Point-of-Sale devices for merchant locations and Hyper-Smart ATM Kiosks that can supply a range of services.
Our ultra-modern platform combines these abilities through a single system and is specifically designed to support your country’s payments evolution