GPC offers comprehensive card management solutions and services for financial institutions issuing debit, credit and prepaid cards, and fully supports contactless and chip card functionalities. GPC’s full issuing processing service gives the flexibility to select the best options aligned with any business model and at the same time, our tailored services create unique customised solutions for financial institutions of all sizes.
Card Programmes
GPC supports debit, credit, prepaid and domestic card programmes. Our baseline service package can be built on in order to manage your exact product portfolio requirements.

Debit Card
Our debit card service package can integrate with any Core Banking System and offers you everything you need to successfully manage your debit card product portfolio and streamline your operations in a secure and compliant processing environment.
The service supports PIN-secured, signature debit, prepaid and contactless cards with adjustable tariff fees. Debit products can be single or multi-currency, with the capability for loyalty program management.
Features include:

Credit Card
Our credit card service package covers the entire credit card lifecycle management, providing financial institutions with everything they need to develop and manage multiple types of credit card programs to fit any customer need; from a simple charge card to a revolving credit card with complex business logic.
Product configuration options include:
Features include:

Prepaid Card
Our prepaid service package covers everything you need to run successful prepaid card programs. The service enables card issuance, product management, transaction switching and processing for all standard transaction types, and clearing and settlement file processing with International Payment Systems (Mastercard and Visa).
To cover the diversity and flexibility that prepaid products demand, multiple configuration options are available. Using our solution templates and hierarchy approach, we can configure numerous prepaid products; from a simple gift card to a multi-currency general purpose prepaid card with complex business logic. Prepaid card products can include one or several accounts, one or several cards, all associated fees and charges, and a set of limits and usage restrictions.
Product types include:

Domestic Card
GPC not only provides the infrastructure to personalize the EMV for domestic cards but also play an important role of the EMV Certificate Authority (CA). Currently domestic cards in financial institutions are personalized with the magnetic stripe technology only. Introducing Chip (EMV) technology cards will add security and protection against counterfeit fraud compared to magnetic stripe technology which allows GPC to perform certificate life cycle management. This service provides financial institutions with the option to issue domestic cards in EMV Technology.
GPC fully supports financial institutions with the integration of this service.
Service Features
API Card Control
Digital Instant Issue
NFC Wallet
GPay NFC Wallet
Multi-account feature
Tokenisation Services
Virtual Cards
Global Processing Centre (GPC) personalizes all types of cards (domestic as well as MasterCard and VISA) and supplies high-quality products to customers all over the world. We have invested in state-of-the-art technology in order to provide a complete range of card personalization services. We currently provide services to banks operating in Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.
GPC provides magnetic stripe, EMV and contactless cards, with further personalisation technology such as embossing and card design. Thanks to our flexible setup, we have the capability to emboss cards and send them to the carrier service latest one business day after the order.
We provide full personalization where we handle the application processing, PIN generation, data preparation and embossing. For more information on this, please do not hesitate to contact us.